A lot can happen in 10 years
Moonlighting as a taxi driver might seem endless but soon you’ll be sticking on the L plates.
Henry’s parents are hoping he will return the favour and chauffeur them one day. They want to provide him with a nest egg when he turns 18 to help him buy his first car.
Find out if Henry’s parents funded his dream wheels.
Investing through 10Invest can offer tax benefits that can simplify your admin come tax time. Along with regular contributions, you can harness the power of compounding investment returns to build wealth for your child’s future so you can focus on all the other challenges parenthood brings.
Start small, grow big: In the blink of an eye, what begins as a modest investment can help set up your child’s future.
Henry’s parents opened a 10Invest with an initial deposit of $10,000 and used money received from annual tax returns to make annual contributions of $2,000.
Ten years later, they were able to provide Henry $41,445 as a tax-free lump sum or as a regular income stream to fund the expense of keeping a car on the road.
Select Options: Choose from six Vanguard® investment options.
Initial Deposit: Start with $1,000 or more. There is no limit to what you can contribute within the first year of investment.
Regular Contributions: Set up a direct debit for regular deposits with a minimum of $50 per investment option either fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
Remember, investing carries risk. We explain the risk level of each investment option below.
Note: This information is general in nature. Please consult your tax professional for advice specific to your situation.
10-year rule:
The 10-year rule governs how withdrawals from your investment are taxed.
You can withdraw after 10 years with no personal income tax to pay (10Invest pays tax on your earnings at a rate of 30% on your behalf) subject to the 125% rule.
However, if you withdraw within the first 10 years, income tax is payable on your investment earnings. The assessable amount will vary depending on when you make withdrawals within the 10 years.
125% rule:
You can make additional contributions over the life of your investment in 10Invest.
During the first year there is no limit to the amount you can contribute. The value of investing as much as possible during the first year is that you can contribute more in subsequent years.
Each following year, your contribution should not exceed 125% of the previous year. If you exceed 125% in any year, the start date of the 10-year rule will reset to the financial year of excess contributions.
Key points to remember:
You can invest on behalf of a child between the ages of 1 to 16 while retaining full control of the investment.
It can then be transferred to the nominated child at a vesting age between 10-25 years that you choose. The policy seamlessly transfers to them, preserving the 10-year tax benefits.
What is an Investment Bond?
An Investment Bond is a long-term investment plan with tax advantages, provided by friendly societies and life insurance companies. Your money is pooled with other investors and invested in chosen options. It’s most tax-effective when held for 10 years or more.
Uses of an Investment Bond
Investment Bonds can be used for:
The 10-year rule
Holding an Investment Bond for 10 years allows you to withdraw your money with no personal income tax on the investment earnings.
Factors affecting tax effectiveness
Impact on your income and/or social security benefits
If you hold your investment longer than 10 years:
Read the PDS
Who can invest?
Individuals, joint investors, and trusts can invest with 10Invest. Trusts need to apply via a paper-based form.
What is the minimum investment
A minimum deposit of $1,000 via Direct Debit is required. You can also set up a Regular Savings Plan with at least $50 per investment option per month.
To apply you must:
You’ll need:
Annual investment limits
First Year: No limit on contributions.
Subsequent Years: Contributions must not exceed 125% of the previous year’s amount.
Changing your Regular Savings Plan
You can adjust your regular savings plan anytime but remember the 125% rule applies and there is a minimum of $50 per option per month.
Withdrawing your money
Withdrawals can be made anytime for any purpose but may affect the tax effectiveness. Withdrawals within the first 10 years are subject to the following tax rules:
1st to 8th year: Tax on all earnings
9th year: Tax on 2/3 of earnings
10th year: Tax on 1/3 of earnings
After 10 years: No tax
Minimum withdrawal amount
The minimum withdrawal is $500 and you must maintain a minimum $1,000 account balance.
Capital Gains Tax (CGT)
Realised growth is not treated as a capital gain. No CGT applies for switching investment options or making withdrawals. Withdrawals within the first 10 years are taxed at your marginal rate with a 30% tax offset.
Fees and other costs
We regularly monitor fund manager’s and our fees and other costs, and we will update you of any changes via our website australianunity.com.au/wealth
Further information
If you have any questions, please contact the Investor Services or Adviser Services.
Visit our website australianunity.com.au/wealth for any further fee changes to the investment options on the 10Invest investment menu.
Access unit price and performance information for all funds here.
© 10Invest (‘Lifeplan Investment Bond’) is issued by Lifeplan Australia Friendly Society Limited ABN 78 087 649 492 AFS License number 237989, a wholly owned subsidiary of Australian Unity Limited ABN 23 087 648 888.
Information provided here is indicative and general in nature and has not taken into your account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You must read the Product Disclosure Statement on this webpage before making any decision. Any decisions relating to a financial investment should only be based upon a consideration of your overall objectives, current and anticipated situation or needs, and should not be influenced by historical data such as past performance. The Target Market Determination (TMD) is also available on this website.
Illustrative Information only: Case study figures are based off internal calculations over a projected period and are not necessarily a projection of future performance. Any examples or information provided in the case studies are for illustrative purposes and investors should therefore place no reliance on this content when making any decision to invest. Forecasts about future performance are based on reasonable assumptions, including that a regular savings plan is maintained, over a period of at least 10 years, and that tax law does not change. Forecasts are not guaranteed.
The case studies do not represent a recommendation or Australian Unity’s view on future events, and in no way bind Australian Unity or its related entities. Any tax information provided here and in any disclosure documents is general in nature and is only intended to provide a guide on how tax may affect investors. Tax laws may change in the future and may affect an investor’s tax position and the tax information described in any disclosure documents issued. Investors should seek independent tax advice relevant to their particular circumstances. If you withdraw your investment earnings within the first 10 years, there may be personal income tax implications.
Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investing involves risks, refer to the ‘Investment risks’ section of the product disclosure statement for more information.
Vanguard® have given consent to be named on this webpage Vanguard® has given consent to all statements on this webpage that relate to Vanguard® or have been made by Vanguard® and has not withdrawn their consent at the date of this webpage. The investment options are not deposits or liabilities of Vanguard® or its member companies. Vanguard® is not issuing, selling, guaranteeing or underwriting this financial product or performing any other function in relation to the 10Invest apart from investment management.