A good bank understands you need a term deposit on the best possible terms. So choose a term and when you get paid from our range of options.*
With a term deposit you know exactly how much interest you’ll earn. Make a deposit of $5,000 or more, choose a term from 1 month to 5 years, select a range of interest payment options and you’re good to go.
Special rate
Key benefits
Interest rates current as at 6 March 2025 and are subject to change.
For full list of all applicable fees and charges, please view our full fee schedule.
See our full fee schedule
Fees, and charges and lending criteria apply for all transaction, savings and deposit accounts, loans and credit cards which are issued by Australian Unity Bank Limited ABN 30 087 652 079 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence No. 237994. Please refer to Terms and Conditions before applying for any product. Australian Unity Bank Limited is covered by the Financial Claims Scheme, which protects depositors through the provision of a guarantee on deposits up to a cap (currently $250,000) per account holder, per authorised deposit-taking institution (ADI). For more information please view our page or the APRA website at www.fcs.gov.au.
Any advice does not take into account your personal needs and financial circumstances and you should consider whether it is appropriate for you and read the relevant Terms and Conditions, any Product Disclosure Statement (if applicable) and Financial Services Guide before acquiring any product.
*Minimum $5,000 deposit. Rate applies to one term only and higher or lower rates may apply to subsequent terms. Rate is current as at 6 March 2025. A Term Deposit is a cash investment made with us for a fixed term at an agreed interest rate. If you want to withdraw from your Term Deposit before it matures, you’ll need to speak with us. If your withdrawal request is approved, you may incur Term Deposit Early Redemption (Payout) fee in respect of the portion of the cash investment withdrawn early. Please refer to the Schedule of fees, charges and transaction limits for more information.
Interest paid on maturity of Term Deposits with terms less than 12 months. Term Deposits with terms 12 months and above, interest is paid 6 monthly or annually except where specified otherwise in our 'Schedule of Interest Rates - Investment Accounts' available here.
Information is correct as at 6 March 2025 and is subject to change. Australian Unity reserves the right to offer rates, fees and charges that differ from those currently promoted on the website or advertised.
Fees and charges Refer to Schedule of fees, charges and transaction limits for more information on current fees and charges.
Our Target Market Determinations are available here.
© Copyright 2018 - 2024 Australian Unity Limited. All loans and deposit products are issued by Australian Unity Bank Limited ABN 30 087 652 079 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence No. 237994. Australian Unity Bank Limited is a fully owned subsidiary of Australian Unity Limited.
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