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Fees, and charges and lending criteria apply for all transaction, savings and deposit accounts, loans and credit cards which are issued by Australian Unity Bank Limited ABN 30 087 652 079 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence No. 237994. Please refer to Terms and Conditions before applying for any product. Australian Unity Bank Limited is covered by the Financial Claims Scheme, which protects depositors through the provision of a guarantee on deposits up to a cap (currently $250,000) per account holder, per authorised deposit-taking institution (ADI). For more information please view our page or the APRA website at www.fcs.gov.au.
All information is correct as at 24 November 2023 and is subject to change.
What is a Comparison Rate? To find out more click here.
Fees and Charges Refer to Fees and Charges for information on current fees and charges.
Our Target Market Determinations are available here.
Australian Unity loans, deposits and credit cards are issued by Australian Unity Bank Limited ABN 30 087 652 079 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence No. 237994
© Copyright 2018 - 2024 Australian Unity Limited. All loans and deposit products are issued by Australian Unity Bank Limited ABN 30 087 652 079 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence No. 237994. Australian Unity Bank Limited is a fully owned subsidiary of Australian Unity Limited.
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