We wanted to keep you up to date on some of the important changes the Government is making. It is expected that, from the 1st of July 2025, the Support at Home program will replace the existing Home Care Package (HCP) Program.
As the government releases more information, we will keep you informed and guide you every step of the way. Your Home Care Package Program will continue operating as usual until you transition to the Support at Home program.
All Home Care Package (HCP) recipients will be transitioned to this new program. The Support at Home program has been developed to provide you with improved access to services, products, equipment and home modifications so that you can remain healthy, active, and connected to your community for longer.
Key changes under the new program from 1 July 2025
will include:
As an existing Home Care Package recipient your health and care services will continue to be delivered under the Support at Home Program and you won’t need to be reassessed into one of the new classification levels when the new program starts.
Under the new program, you will receive a Support at Home budget that matches the same funding level as your HCP as at 30 June 2025. But your annual budget will be divided into 4 equal budgets that each cover 3 months of the year.
Your final quarterly budget amount will be confirmed before the start of the new program. It’s important to note that unlike the current HCP program where you can accumulate unspent funds and rollover your HCP annual budget, when you transition to the Support at Home program, you will only be able to carry over unspent funds from your Support at Home budget each quarter of up to $1,000 or 10% of the budget (whichever is greater). The more expensive items that you have previously had to save for over time, like home modifications, will now be covered under a separate budget.