Australian Unity Limited has entered into an agreement to sell all of the shares in Australian Unity Property Limited (the responsible entity of the Diversified Property Fund (Fund)), which includes the transfer of management rights for the Fund, to specialist Australian real estate investment manager ASA Real Estate Partners Pty Ltd. The sale is expected to complete on 30 June 2024. Read the announcement here.


Diversified Property Fund

Direct property with sustainable income

Investment objective

The Fund aims to provide investors with:

  • a total return* (income and capital growth) above the MSCI/Mercer Australia Core Wholesale Monthly Property Fund Index; and
  • a stable income stream* that is at least 1% per annum above the average Commonwealth Government 10-year bond yield calculated on a rolling basis over the previous 5-year period (Fund Cash Yield Benchmark).

*The return that we aim to deliver to investors is a statement of intent, and we cannot guarantee that the Fund will achieve this return. 


Historical Performance Chart

As At
31 May 2024
1 mth %
3 mth %
6 mth %
1 yr % pa
2 yrs % pa
3 yrs % pa
5 yrs % pa

Total Return is calculated after fees and expenses and assume the reinvestment of distributions. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Historical performance chart assumptions

This chart assumes a notional investment of $10,000 and the reinvestments of distributions credited over the period shown. The returns are calculated after fees and expenses, and uses entry to exit prices. It does not allow for any application or exit fees which may apply to an actual client investment. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investment decisions should be considered in the context of the overall performance of the relevant asset class over the period shown and any economic or market changes recently occurring. You should also refer to the Product Disclosure Statement and current details for this investment which are made available on this website.

Unit prices

Historical Unit Price Chart

Effective date
27 Jun 2024
Entry price
Exit price

Historical unit price chart assumptions

This chart reflects an exit value at the date shown and is only intended to provide a snapshot of the movements in those prices. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investment decisions should be considered in the context of the overall performance of the relevant asset class over the stated period and any economic or market changes recently occurring. You should also refer to the Product Disclosure Statement and current details for this investment which are made available on this website.
