
Funeral Saver Safety Net

The cost of a funeral can be unexpected and expensive. A Funeral Bond and Funeral Saver Safety Net can help.

 Funeral Saver Safety Net


The Funeral Saver Safety Net could assist if you pass away before you have reached your funeral savings goal in the FuneralPlan Bond. If you are an Australian that is experiencing prolonged financial disadvantage, the Funeral Saver Safety Net can provide a top-up payment to your existing funeral bond upon your death so that your funeral expenses up to $5,000 are covered.

Case Study - Anne

Anne is a 55 year old first nations woman who is employed part time as a community worker. She earns $40,000 a year and has been putting away $50 each month into her FuneralPlan Bond for over a year, aiming to save $5,000 to meet the estimated costs of her funeral.

Anne’s funeral bond is valued at $3,000, as Anne has met the regular minimum contribution requirements and her policy is valued at less than $5,000,if Anne suddenly passed away, her family would be eligible for a top-up of $2,000 towards her funeral costs, including costs such as a smoking ceremony and burial at her nominated location.



Anne contributes
$50/month up to Year 5
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Saver Safety
Total Funeral Bond


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