The Pro-D High Growth Fund holds a diversified portfolio of investments across major asset classes.
It is a simple investment solution that holds a growth portfolio of assets.
Your money is strategically invested in 95% growth assets such as Australian and international shares, infrastructure and property, and 5% in defensive assets such as cash and fixed interest.
The Fund proactively manages its asset allocation to seek attractive asset classes and avoid unrewarded risks, and investing to the strategic allocation when growth assets are cheap or fairly priced and offer a reasonable return for the risk being undertaken.
The Fund invests across a range of active and passive investment managers to achieve improved investor returns, control costs, portfolio turnover and improved tax efficiency.
Information regarding fund performance, unit pricing and distribution history can be found here.
Total Return is calculated after fees and expenses and assume the reinvestment of distributions. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
This chart assumes a notional investment of $10,000 and the reinvestments of distributions credited over the period shown. The returns are calculated after fees and expenses and uses entry to exit prices. It does not allow for any application or exit fees which may apply to an actual client investment. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investment decisions should be considered in the context of the overall performance of the relevant asset class over the period shown and any economic or market changes recently occurring. You should also refer to the Product Disclosure Statement and current details for this investment which are made available on this website.
This chart reflects an exit value at the date shown and is only intended to provide a snapshot of the movements in those prices. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investment decisions should be considered in the context of the overall performance of the relevant asset class over the stated period and any economic or market changes recently occurring. You should also refer to the Product Disclosure Statement and current details for this investment which are made available on this website.
Frequency | Period end | Cents per unit | Reinvestment Price |
Units in this Fund are issued by Australian Unity Funds Management Limited ABN 60 071 497 115, AFS Licence No 234454. Information provided here is general information only and current at the time of publication and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Information about the Fund can be obtained from the Fund's Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination (TMD). In deciding whether to acquire, hold or dispose of the product you should obtain a copy of the PDS and TMD and seek professional financial and taxation advice. This information is intended for recipients in Australia only. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
This chart reflects an exit value at the date shown and is only intended to provide a snapshot of the movements in those prices. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investment decisions should be considered in the context of the overall performance of the relevant asset class over the stated period and any economic or market changes recently occurring. You should also refer to the Product Disclosure Statement and current details for this investment which are made available on this website.