Cervical Cancer Screening
What is it?
Cervical Cancer Screening is a simple process that looks for signs of the human papillomavirus (HPV) – a common infection that causes most cervical cancers.
How does it work?
Check with your health professional if cervical cancer screening is a service they provide. You may be eligible for a Medicare rebate for the cost of the cervical cancer screening: health professional consultation, consumables, or pathology. The benefit is only payable where no MBS item is raised.
Benefit is only claimable every two years.
You may be eligible for the federally funded population-based screening program.
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Are you eligible?
To claim a benefit you need to:
- hold an eligible product that includes benefits for Cervical Cancer Screening
- have held a product with that benefit for at least twelve months
To check your eligibility, please review your fact sheet or contact Australian Unity on 13 29 39
How to claim
To claim, just send a copy of the receipt, with your name, for your cervical cancer screening (health professional consultation, consumables, or pathology service) with a completed ‘Preventative Health Services– Claim Form’ to Australian Unity.
Download claim form