Australian Unity uses SMS OTP as an extra validation point for three actions you might want to take within internet banking:
An SMS OTP is a randomly generated 6 digit code, valid for one session or transaction and delivered via text message to a registered Australian mobile phone number.
Australian Unity recommends customers register and use SMS OTP as an additional layer of security for internet banking payments.
Note that ‘payments’ apply to: BPAY®, Pay Anyone transfers, Osko payments, Customer to Customer payments, Batch payments and Pending Authorisations.
For more information about SMS OTP please refer to the ‘Accounts and Access Facilities Terms of Use’ document.
A standard daily account limit of $1,250 applies. Up to this limit, SMS One Time Password (OTP) is optional. However if you require a non-standard daily account limit above $1,250 you will be required to register for SMS OTP by following the steps below. Once registered for SMS OTP, you can add new payees to your list of saved ‘Personal Payees’, removing the need for using SMS OTP next time you want to make a payment.
Simply follow the steps listed below to register:
The process of using SMS OTP is simple. The usual payment process is as follows:
Note: If you close your Internet browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) window and/or open a new session or transaction you will need to request another code to complete your transaction.
® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518
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© Copyright 2018 - 2024 Australian Unity Limited. All loans and deposit products are issued by Australian Unity Bank Limited ABN 30 087 652 079 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence No. 237994. Australian Unity Bank Limited is a fully owned subsidiary of Australian Unity Limited.
Terms and Conditions | Privacy®Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518