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Tags: What is Real Wellbeing? AUWI20 Wellbeing Index

Michaela Reiss

In 2020, Michaela Reiss relocated to regional Victoria from Melbourne in search of a better work-life balance.

Reflecting on her decision, the 26-year-old nurse is evangelical about the benefits.

“People have actually said to me: ‘You just look so much happier and so much more relaxed—I can see it in your face’,” she says. “I’ve had multiple people tell me that.”

Leaving Melbourne, Michaela quickly adapted to a gentler pace of life.

“I was very restless and just wasn’t happy with my daily routine,” says Michaela. “I was certainly stressed with work. And the lifestyle up here is just much nicer.”

Freed from her long commute, she has more time for herself.

“I’ve got a little dog, and we walk or run around the lake frequently. I ride my bike to the gym, and it doesn’t feel like I’m squeezing it in. I take time to appreciate the small things.”

Another upside to country living?

The friendships she’s made with her new colleagues and neighbours.

“There’s more of a sense of community here,” says Michaela. “I’ve got the best neighbours ever.”


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