Tags: Goals & planning Being in balance Ageing well Retirement Health

Australian Unity has made our life a lot more comfortable, that’s all I can say.” Colin, Australian Unity home care client.

Key points

  • Home care offers a range of practical services and helps to improve people’s quality of life and Real Wellbeing. 
  • The majority of Australians want to stay in their homes as they age—but getting older can bring new challenges.
  • At Australian Unity, home care is tailored to each person’s specific needs and preferences.

“Just to live here, without going into a nursing home, would be our wish. We’re comfortable here. We’ve got good neighbours around us. We’re very familiar with everything.”

Colin’s assertion is a common one across Australia, with “aging in place”—that is, remaining in your own home as you get older—being the preference for the vast majority of Australians.

But aging brings its own challenges, so what happens if you can’t quite manage the day-to-day tasks associated with living at home? That’s where home care services can play a crucial role, balancing your desire for independence with the care you need to stay happy and healthy.

By supporting your sense of purpose, health, social connections and so much more, it’s an approach that bolsters your Real Wellbeing. Here’s how Australian Unity home care helps Colin and Eileen find the balance that works for them.

Happy at home

Colin and Eileen have lived in their home, where they raised their three children, for 63 years. The house is full of cherished memories, and the couple hopes to remain in it for as long as possible—ideally, Eileen says, “until they take me out in a box”.

In recent years, however, Eileen has been affected by painful arthritis, while Colin’s back has been giving him trouble ever since he broke it several years ago. So their daughter-in-law set Eileen up with home care services through Australian Unity, allowing them to stay in the family home while getting the extra help they need.

Nicole Loughnan is a Community Liaison Manager, which means she coordinates the services Eileen receives.

“As a Care Partner for Australian Unity, I look after clients with Home Care Packages and Commonwealth Home Support Program funding,” she says. “My job is to support them to live independently within their homes for as long as possible.”

Nicole explains that Home Care Package services are tailored to suit the individual needs and preferences of each client. For Eileen, she arranges domestic assistance within the home, gardening and meal services, “and some items to keep her safe and comfortable within her own home”, such as a falls alarm system.

“Every Home Care Package service mix is different because everyone’s needs are different,” says Nicole. “That’s why we have to really make sure we tailor it to the person, taking into account what their wants and needs are, and what they’re comfortable with.”

Personalised care for a better quality of life

Nicole says she always starts off by visiting new clients, or speaking to them over the phone, to “discuss what their needs might be, what they hope to be able to achieve, and what they feel they aren’t achieving at the moment”. Then she does whatever she can to help them.

For example, after learning that Eileen was struggling to stay comfortable in her old recliner chair, Nicole decided to source a better chair for her.

“I spoke to occupational therapists and put a referral in through Remedy Healthcare for them to meet with Eileen to look at what was going to be practical, safe and fit-for-purpose,” she says. “Eileen went and had a look around one of the showrooms, chose a chair she liked, and we were able to have it in her home within six weeks.”

It might seem like a small thing, but it’s made a significant improvement.

“Colin and Eileen both say that it’s done wonders for her mobility,” says Nicole. “They’re really, really happy, and as most people probably know, getting a good night's sleep and being comfortable makes such a big difference to your wellbeing.”

Broader benefits

The practical help that Eileen receives from her Home Care Package also offers a number of additional emotional and social benefits.

For example, having someone to help Eileen around the house means that Colin has more time to spend in the garden.

“I love my garden, and now I can spend an hour or two in it, getting a little bit done so I can keep it under control,” says Colin. “Without the support Eileen receives from Australian Unity, I wouldn't be able to do all that.”

Eileen, meanwhile, says her care worker, Fiorella, is “just like a friend”.

“She’s a nice, bubbly person,” agrees Colin. “It’s amazing, in the hour that she's here, how much gets done. She pulls out furniture, or I'll give her a hand if it's heavy, and she'll do underneath the bed and behind the couch—little things like that.

“And sometimes, we gain a few more minutes, which allows her to sit down when she’s finished and have a cuppa. She has a good old chat with Eileen and then away she goes.

“And so Eileen gets enjoyment out of it, and at the same time the house gets cleaned.”

Peace of mind for the whole family

Eileen’s in-home care has a direct impact on their Real Wellbeing, but it also provides peace of mind to their three children.

“Our kids are very happy with the way things are progressing,” says Colin. “Australian Unity has made our life a lot more comfortable, that’s all I can say.”

And that’s a balance that works.


Information provided in this article is of a general nature. Australian Unity accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the opinions, advice, representations or information contained in this publication. Readers should rely on their own advice and enquiries in making decisions affecting their own health, wellbeing or interest. Interviewee names and titles were accurate at the time of writing.

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