Lonsec’s Recommended rating indicates Lonsec has strong conviction that the Fund can generate risk-adjusted returns in-line with relevant objectives and is considered an appropriate entry point for investors to this asset class.

In its product review report, Lonsec highlighted the strong alignment between Australian Unity’s purpose and the Childcare Property Fund’s investment strategy as a key strength. It mentioned advantageous market drivers in the national childcare sector including long-term policy support and favourable demographic changes driving demand for childcare services.


Mark Delaney, Fund Manager of the Childcare Property Fund at Australian Unity, said the rating validated the Fund’s investment strategy and highlighted strong market drivers underpinning childcare property.


“Lonsec’s rating is an important recognition of our objectives, management approach and track record as a leading investor in nation-building social infrastructure. It’s also a testament to the fund’s stable portfolio and strong sector performance.


Read the full Article here.