Our Approved Product List has been compiled to provide the Financial Planners and Advisers with a detailed list of both research rated products and providers from which to select to form investment recommendations for their clients.
How do we determine the suitability of a product or provider?
We utilise market and industry research in conjunction with our own internal research to determine the eligibility of a product or provider to be recommended by Australian Unity Wealth. An investment fund or platform provider must have a minimum of “3 out of 5” star research rating from Morningstar to be considered for the APL. Where a Morningstar rating is not available the fund will have to have a minimum Lonsec rating of “3 out of 5”. Where neither of these rating agencies cover certain products we will revert to SQM Research where a rating of at least 3¼ stars is required.
Is this Approved Product List current and relevant?
The list is reviewed at the end of each quarter at a minimum and as necessary when there is a change to the research ratings of any existing or prospective products and providers.
Australian businesses are beginning to recognise that focusing on impact - or the societal, environmental, economic, ethical, and sustainability effects their actions have on the world - isn’t just a moral imperative but also a strategic necessity.
Helping communities thrive with the Australian Unity Specialist Disability Accommodation Fund
Hear how the Australian Unity Specialist Disability Accommodation Fund helps communities to thrive with key partnerships to provide much-needed housing for end-user Participants.