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Your price

Providing the following information will help us calculate the price that you would need to pay for your health cover.

My cover needs
Id' like cover for
All children to be covered will be under the age of 23
All children aged 23-30 are full-time students (includes apprenticeships)
My location
I live in
My personal details
Please enter your date of birth.
Please enter your partner's date of birth.

My income details
Please enter your income to show pricing inclusive of the Australian Government Rebate (AGR) or select ‘No Rebate’ for no AGR.
Please select an annual income range.
TOTAL FROM: $90.70 Monthly
30 day off cooling periodJoin now with peace of mind

Corporate Vital Extras

Comprehensive extras cover with 70% back and generous limits across a range of services including orthodontics, podiatry and pharmacy.


$34.67 * from 1 April


Connection Timed Out. Please try again.

$ after April 1


Minimum direct debit period

/ Fortnightly

30 day cooling off period

Join now with peace of mind

*Assumes 4% discount for direct debit and 0% aged based discount. Any rebate listed above has been factored into the price. Price includes cover for non-student dependants aged 23 and over.Price excludes cover for non-student dependants aged 23 and over.
MS Queensland employees discount has been applied.

Please note, your quote is valid until 31 March 2025. To get today's price on your health cover, we need to have received your payment as cleared funds by Monday 31 March 2025. For payments other than direct debit or credit card, you should allow at least 3-5 business days for us to receive your payment. New prices will apply for all payments received on and from 1 April 2025.

Important - From 1 April 2025, new Australian Government Rebate percentages will apply. These changes are based on the Rebate Adjustment Factor which takes into account growth in the Consumer Price Index and industry weighted average premium increase. Click Here  for more information on these changes or contact us on 13 29 39 for assistance.

Extras cover benefits

  • Access to our No Gap Dental Network outside of your yearly limit

  • Complex and major dental including root canals, surgical extractions, crowns, bridges and dentures

  • A wide range of other services including optical, physiotherapy, chiropractic, remedial massage, podiatry and pharmacy

Extras Fact Sheet

Corporate Vital Extras cover

$3,920 per person per calendar year

Extras covered

Yearly limits (per person)
/what you get back

Waiting periods

Emergency Ambulance

Where the transport is coded and
invoiced as emergency transport by a
recognised State Ambulance authority

Benefits are not payable if ambulance service is already covered by a State-based scheme or your ambulance subscription.

Where an Extras cover is taken with Hospital cover, benefits are payable under the Hospital cover only, except where the Extras product offers additional benefits not included on Hospital.


100% of the cost

0 motnhs

Ambulance Attendance

For Ambulance attendances where you are not taken to hospital

Benefits are not payable if ambulance service is already covered by a State-based scheme or your ambulance subscription.

Where an Extras cover is taken with Hospital cover, benefits are payable under the Hospital cover only, except where the Extras product offers additional benefits not included on Hospital.

2 attendances per person

100% of the cost

0 months

No Gap Dental Network

Covers selected services such as scale and clean, fluoride treatment and mouthguards. Please note: No Gap Dental providers are not available in all states.

Benefits claimed as No Gap Dental do not count towards your yearly limit

100% of the cost for selected services at our No Gap Dental Network

0 months



$700 per person

Up to 100% of the cost per item

A lifetime maximum of $2,400 per person applies

12 months

Preventative dental

Covers selected services such as scale and clean, fluoride treatment and mouthguards.

General dental

Covers most fillings and simple extractions

$700 per person preventative dental & general dental

70% of the cost per item

0 months

0 months for selected diagnostic services

2 months

Root canal, gum disease treatments & surgical extractions


Crowns, bridges and dentures

A full denture replacement is limited to once every three years.

$700 per person

70% of the cost per item

12 months

12 months


For prescription glasses, contact lenses or repairs provided by a recognised optometrist in private practice. Excludes non-prescription sunglasses and contact lenses, and optical consultations.

$270 per person

Up to 100% of the cost per item

6 months


Includes sports physiotherapy and hydrotherapy

Exercise Physiology

Includes hydrotherapy

Chiropractic & Osteopathy


Combined maximum of $600 per person

70% of the consultation fee

70% for a chiropractic x-ray

Limit of one chiropractic x-ray per person

2 months

2 months

2 months



Remedial massage





Excludes podiatric surgery

Combined maximum of $250 per person

70% of the consultation fee

2 months

2 months

2 months

2 months

Orthotics, Braces, Splints and Garments

Orthotics must be recommended by a podiatrist or medical practitioner and supplied by an approved provider in a private practice.

Garments must be recommended by a medical practitioner or allied health professional and supplied by an approved provider in private practice.

Up to 70% of the cost per item

12 months



Audiology, Speech, Eye and Occupational Therapy




For non-PBS prescription pharmaceuticals only, after you pay a sum equal to the current Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) contribution. Excludes vitamins, minerals and supplements.

Travel Vaccinations

For approved travel vaccines, supplied
and administered in Australia prior to
departure and for the purpose of
overseas travel

Combined maximum of $500 per person

70% of the consultation fee

Up to 70% per script for pharmacy

70% of the cost per item for Travel Vaccinations

2 months

2 months

2 months

2 months

0 months

Gym Membership

Covers gym membership, provided there is a letter of referral from a recognised healthcare practitioner, indicating the activity is part of a treatment program for a specific health condition.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Covers benefits for Nicotine Replacement Therapy products not available through the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS) and approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Skin Checks

Skin Checks performed in private practice where no MBS item number is raised.

Combined maximum of $200 per person

70% of the membership/therapy or consultation fee

6 months

6 months

6 months

^ Waiting periods and yearly limits may apply.

Corporate products are available as standalone hospital or extras, or may be purchased in combination with other corporate products. Please see the Fact Sheet for more details.

Corporate Vital Extras cover cover

$3,920 per person per calendar year

Extras covered

Where the transport is coded and invoiced as emergency transport by a recognised State Ambulance authority

Benefits are not payable if ambulance service is already covered by a State-based scheme or your ambulance subscription.

Where an Extras cover is taken with Hospital cover, benefits are payable under the Hospital cover only, except where the Extras product offers additional benefits not included on Hospital.

Yearly limits (per person)


100% of the cost

Waiting Periods

0 motnhs

For Ambulance attendances where you are not taken to hospital

Benefits are not payable if ambulance service is already covered by a State-based scheme or your ambulance subscription.

Where an Extras cover is taken with Hospital cover, benefits are payable under the Hospital cover only, except where the Extras product offers additional benefits not included on Hospital.

Yearly limits (per person)

2 attendances per person

100% of the cost

Waiting Periods

0 months

Covers selected services such as scale and clean, fluoride treatment and mouthguards. Please note: No Gap Dental providers are not available in all states.

Yearly limits (per person)

Benefits claimed as No Gap Dental do not count towards your yearly limit

100% of the cost for selected services at our No Gap Dental Network

Waiting Periods

0 months

Covers selected services such as scale and clean, fluoride treatment and mouthguards.

Yearly limits (per person)

$700 per person preventative dental & general dental

70% of the cost per item

Waiting Periods

0 months

Covers most fillings and simple extractions

Yearly limits (per person)

$700 per person preventative dental & general dental

70% of the cost per item

Waiting Periods

0 months for selected diagnostic services

2 months


Yearly limits (per person)

$700 per person

70% of the cost per item

Waiting Periods

12 months

A full denture replacement is limited to once every three years.

Yearly limits (per person)

$700 per person

70% of the cost per item

Waiting Periods

12 months


Yearly limits (per person)

$700 per person

Up to 100% of the cost per item

A lifetime maximum of $2,400 per person applies

Waiting Periods

12 months

For prescription glasses, contact lenses or repairs provided by a recognised optometrist in private practice. Excludes non-prescription sunglasses and contact lenses, and optical consultations.

Yearly limits (per person)

$270 per person

Up to 100% of the cost per item

Waiting Periods

6 months

Includes sports physiotherapy and hydrotherapy

Yearly limits (per person)

Combined maximum of $600 per person

70% of the consultation fee

70% for a chiropractic x-ray

Limit of one chiropractic x-ray per person

Waiting Periods

2 months

Includes hydrotherapy

Yearly limits (per person)

Combined maximum of $600 per person

70% of the consultation fee

70% for a chiropractic x-ray

Limit of one chiropractic x-ray per person

Waiting Periods

2 months


Yearly limits (per person)

Combined maximum of $600 per person

70% of the consultation fee

70% for a chiropractic x-ray

Limit of one chiropractic x-ray per person

Waiting Periods

2 months


Yearly limits (per person)

Combined maximum of $250 per person

70% of the consultation fee

Waiting Periods

2 months


Yearly limits (per person)

Combined maximum of $250 per person

70% of the consultation fee

Waiting Periods

2 months


Yearly limits (per person)

Combined maximum of $250 per person

70% of the consultation fee

Waiting Periods

2 months

Excludes podiatric surgery

Yearly limits (per person)

Combined maximum of $250 per person

70% of the consultation fee

Waiting Periods

2 months

Orthotics must be recommended by a podiatrist or medical practitioner and supplied by an approved provider in a private practice.

Garments must be recommended by a medical practitioner or allied health professional and supplied by an approved provider in private practice.

Yearly limits (per person)

Up to 70% of the cost per item

Waiting Periods

12 months


Yearly limits (per person)

Combined maximum of $500 per person

70% of the consultation fee

Up to 70% per script for pharmacy

70% of the cost per item for Travel Vaccinations

Waiting Periods

2 months


Yearly limits (per person)

Combined maximum of $500 per person

70% of the consultation fee

Up to 70% per script for pharmacy

70% of the cost per item for Travel Vaccinations

Waiting Periods

2 months

For non-PBS prescription pharmaceuticals only, after you pay a sum equal to the current Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) contribution. Excludes vitamins, minerals and supplements.

Yearly limits (per person)

Combined maximum of $500 per person

70% of the consultation fee

Up to 70% per script for pharmacy

70% of the cost per item for Travel Vaccinations

Waiting Periods

2 months

For approved travel vaccines, supplied and administered in Australia prior to departure and for the purpose of overseas travel

Yearly limits (per person)

Combined maximum of $500 per person

70% of the consultation fee

Up to 70% per script for pharmacy

70% of the cost per item for Travel Vaccinations

Waiting Periods

0 months

Covers gym membership, provided there is a letter of referral from a recognised healthcare practitioner, indicating the activity is part of a treatment program for a specific health condition.

Yearly limits (per person)

Combined maximum of $200 per person

70% of the membership/therapy or consultation fee

Waiting Periods

6 months

Covers benefits for Nicotine Replacement Therapy products not available through the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS) and approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Yearly limits (per person)

Combined maximum of $200 per person

70% of the membership/therapy or consultation fee

Waiting Periods

6 months

Skin Checks performed in private practice where no MBS item number is raised.

Yearly limits (per person)

Combined maximum of $200 per person

70% of the membership/therapy or consultation fee

Waiting Periods

6 months

^ Waiting periods and yearly limits may apply.

Corporate products are available as standalone hospital or extras, or may be purchased in combination with other corporate products. Please see the Fact Sheet for more details.

Our No Gap Dental Network is available at 12 locations in NSW

View locations

Enjoy no gap preventative
dental treatments

Get preventative dental treatment with no out-of-pocket costs (up to your yearly limit, depending on your level of cover) when you visit any provider in our No Gap Dental Network.

Covered treatments include :

  • Initial and preventative examination

  • Scale, clean and topical fluoride treatment

  • Custom mouthguards for protection during contact sports

The information on this page is a summary only. Please read the product Fact Sheet to understand the benefits, limits, restrictions, exclusions, waiting periods, pre-existing conditions and excesses that apply, and what it means to be 'Covered' including out-of-pocket costs.

What you need to join today

  • Medicare card

  • Payment details

  • Existing cover information (if applicable)

*Assumes 4% discount for direct debit and 0% aged based discount. Any rebate listed above has been factored into the price. Price includes cover for non-student dependants aged 23 and over.Price excludes cover for non-student dependants aged 23 and over.
MS Queensland employees discount has been applied.

Corporate Vital Extras


$34.67 * from 1 April


Connection Timed Out. Please try again.

$ after April 1


Minimum direct debit period

/ Fortnightly

30 day cooling off period

Join now with peace of mind

*Assumes 4% discount for direct debit and 0% aged based discount. Any rebate listed above has been factored into the price. Price includes cover for non-student dependants aged 23 and over.Price excludes cover for non-student dependants aged 23 and over.

Please note, your quote is valid until 31 March 2025. To get today's price on your health cover, we need to have received your payment as cleared funds by Monday 31 March 2025. For payments other than direct debit or credit card, you should allow at least 3-5 business days for us to receive your payment. New prices will apply for all payments received on and from 1 April 2025.

Important - From 1 April 2025, new Australian Government Rebate percentages will apply. These changes are based on the Rebate Adjustment Factor which takes into account growth in the Consumer Price Index and industry weighted average premium increase. Click Here  for more information on these changes or contact us on 13 29 39 for assistance.