Survey works are scheduled to be conducted nearby the Butterfield Street roundabout on Thursday 17 January 2019 between 9am and 4pm.
These works will involve surveying manholes located on Butterfield Street, Garrick Terrace, Research Road and Service Road and may result in some short, temporary road closures and minor delays.
Service Road will be closed between 1:00pm and 1:30pm on Thursday 17 January 2019. During in this time access to and from the B525B and the Ronald McDonald House car park and will be via Research Road or Western Road only.
A traffic controller will be guiding traffic on Garrick Terrace during these works also.
Detours will be in place and clearly signposted during these works. Traffic management will also be in place to assist pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles at all times.
Please follow the guidance of traffic controllers and signage at all times. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by these essential works. Please note that timing of works may be impacted by weather conditions.
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