Community & relationships

A decorated life

WWII veteran and centenarian Alec Summerside happily lives in his own home alongside his loving wife Joan and with the support from his Australian Unity care team.

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What is Real Wellbeing?

Age and our experience of the COVID-19 pandemic

In 2021, young Australians reported lower satisfaction with their wellbeing than their older counterparts.

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What is Real Wellbeing?

How the pandemic affected our health

In 2021, Australians’ satisfaction with their health fell for the first time in the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index’s 20-year history.

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Goals & planning

How COVID reshaped the concept of work

COVID-19 reshaped the way we work forever. But, as our experts discuss, the human implications of remote working are just being discovered.

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How to reduce health insurance out-of-pocket expenses

Discover ways you can decrease the chance of being hit with an unexpected gap-fee.

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What you can do when “more sleep” isn’t an option

From its effect on our performance and mood to serious health consequences, sleep is key to our health and wellbeing.

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What is Real Wellbeing?

How illness affects our wellbeing

The relationship between physical or mental ill health and wellbeing isn’t as clear-cut as you might think. Here’s why.

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Looking after your eyes

Discover why your eyesight health can reveal quite a lot about your general health and wellbeing.

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