
Going to hospital? This is what’s changed due to COVID-19

COVID-19 has forever altered the hospital experience. Our experts discuss what’s changed, plus what to expect at your next procedure.

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Prevention is better than cure—so how can we get back into it?

As the saying goes: “prevention is better than cure”. Here’s why our experts recommend scheduling in all the medical appointments you may have missed during the pandemic.

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How to kickstart your social life in the wake of COVID-19

The pandemic has left many people feeling isolated, but there are huge benefits to reconnecting with your social circle. Here’s what our experts suggest.

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Getting the party (re)started: community events in the wake of COVID-19

Can big events ever be the same again? Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Sally Capp, and Food and Drink Victoria CEO, Anthea Loucas Bosha, believe they can.

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What is Real Wellbeing?

Age and our experience of the COVID-19 pandemic

In 2021, young Australians reported lower satisfaction with their wellbeing than their older counterparts.

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Community & relationships

Feeling safe and keeping that sense of safety post-COVID

As a society, we actually felt safer during COVID. Now that we’re back to “normal”, our experts share how to continue feeling safe as we start getting out and about again.

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What is Real Wellbeing?

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Australia’s marginalised

The latest Australian Unity Wellbeing Index has found that the pandemic had a surprisingly positive impact on some of our most marginalised groups.

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What is Real Wellbeing?

How the pandemic affected our health

In 2021, Australians’ satisfaction with their health fell for the first time in the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index’s 20-year history.

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